To encourage a high standard of design in new architecture and alterations to important and other
relevant buildings
Vigilence towards sustainability, human and civic values
To promote dialogue in matters of topical, local, regional and national planning and environmental policy
Comments on draft proposals for County and Borough structure
The Committee meets monthly with reference to society members' recommendation to discuss and comment on
current planning applications which have been drawn to its attention
To invite from members, nominations to review and recognise distinctive projects for the
Reigate Society's annual Civic Awards
To liaise with key Borough Planning, Conservation and Green Spaces officers to understand initiatives
and requirements
To review existing conservation areas, their potential for enlargement and new proposals
To welcome, invite and appreciate the support or involvement of corporate members
The Committee consists of members with strong local interests or professional
knowledge. New committee members are welcome.
The Redhill Committee
Monitors and influences developments in the Redhill area.
Was in the forefront of a campaign to keep a theatre in Redhill
after the demolition of the Market Hall, resulting in the new
Harlequin theatre.
Supported the creation of the Memorial Park and gave many trees
for the initial planting
Opposed plans for large-scale energy production from a waste
plant on the Copyhold site overlooking Redhill.
Makes representations to the planning authorities on major
building works and also the setting up of Conservation Areas to
safeguard the most valuable parts of Redhill's heritage.
Is represented on the Redhill Town Centre Management Committee,
which commissioned a plan for the improvement of the
townscape. Phase 1 of this is already complete
with the attractive repaving of two streets and the provision of
new trees and street furniture. The committee is
now actively involved in the planning for later phases.
The Merstham Committee
Monitors and influences developments in the Merstham area.
Aims to preserve Merstham's many places of historic
interest and beauty, to ensure that new developments are
appropriate and do not detract from the quality of life of the
residents, and to encourage improvements to proposed plans.
Brought about the refurbishment of Merstham railway station.
Presented an award for the North Downs pathway past St
Katharine's Church.
Objected to the proposed over-development at Grange Court,
Rookwood House Hotel and Nos. 6 - 8 Station Road.
Fought Central Railway plans for a 24-hour rail freight line
through Merstham between the already intrusive M25 and the village
and estate.
Continues to strive to obtain solutions to traffic, parking and
litter problems, and to monitor all relevant planning
The Natural Amenities Committee
Monitors what is happening and what might be proposed for our
parks, open spaces, rights of way, footpaths, bridleways, waste
disposal, tree planting/maintenance, grass cutting, etc.
Responds to the Borough's proposals, particularly as regards
its bias towards leisure activities to the possible detriment of
wildlife issues.
Is currently taking a particular interest in the proposals for
re-modelling parts of Priory Park in Reigate.
Has strongly lobbied against the Surrey County Council's
proposed designation of Shagbrook on Reigate Heath as a site for
open-cast sand mining.
Has representatives on the Earlswood Common Steering Group and
the Reigate Heath Steering Group.
The Transport Committee
Monitors rail and bus services, traffic flows and road
congestion, proposed plans for new and existing roads and for
traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. In
addition the committee looks into car-parking matters and
traffic-calming measures. As and when necessary
it lobbies the appropriate authorities on improvements it believes
are in the interests of members.
Seeks improvements to local rail services in conjunction with
the local Rail Users Association, eg achieved improved evening
connections from Redhill to Reigate.
Opposed and continues to oppose expansion of Redhill Airport.
Opposes the plans for a second runway Gatwick Airport on the grounds of noise, impact on
local transport, housing and the local environment.
Takes keen interest in important local projects needed or
planned such as the Reigate Relief Road and the completion of
National Cycle Routes.
Takes note of and, where necessary, lobbies on all local
matters pertaining to the M25.
What The Reigate Society Does
Aims to encourage a high standard of design in the new
architecture of our area and to try and prevent
the spoiling of the existing fabric by unsuitable alterations
to listed and other important buildings. The
Society's Architecture and Planning
Committee has particular responsibilities in these matters.
Promotes annual awards for schemes which it considers have
contributed to the amenities or appearance of Redhill, Reigate and
Merstham. All Reigate Society Members and the public are encouraged
to vote as explained on the Reigate Society Awards page.
Since its foundation in 1952 has been involved with the
contrasting towns of Reigate and Redhill, which at that time made
up the Borough of Reigate. The Society's
Redhill Committee, composed of local
residents, monitors and influences developments in the Redhill
Since its foundation in 1952 has been concerned with Merstham, and
the Society's Merstham Committee (currently
suspended) monitored and influenced developments in the Merstham area.
Campaigns for the retention and improvement of open spaces, and
supports the setting up of new ones, such as the Redhill Memorial
Park and the Woodhatch Park Project. The Reigate
Society has representatives on the Earlswood Common Steering Group
and the Reigate Heath Steering Group, and also has its own
Natural Amenities Committee.
Lobbies for better local transport services, improved road
layouts, better parking facilities, etc. The
Society's Transport Committee is
active in this area.
Organises meetings
and social events throughout the year most of which are open to